There are so many ways people communicate to organise getting together. If you’re the poor sap that has to try and get a few bucks off everyone… you are asking for pain!

We all have that mate that says “I’ll transfer you”.

“Hey Guys, just want to confirm who’s in for this weekend? If you can let me confirm and transfer the fee to my account: 12345678 BSB: 123 456 that would be great.”


In a world where we are increasingly busier, finding the time and energy to be an organiser can be taxing.

Finding a common way to communicate with everyone isn’t so simple anymore.

“Hey just WhatsApp me”… “let me know on Facebook”, “I don’t have Facebook…. Instagram?”, “WeChat anyone?”

You get the point.

This doesn’t need to be so hard. Pledge aims to remove the friction for organisers by gaining commitment and payment from your group quickly. We don’t want this to be another burdensome app that everyone needs to download.

We are looking to implement an innovative solution that will allow all of your friends to commit and pay by using your current communication channel ie. WhatsApp, iMessage, Facebook or carrier pigeon. Ok maybe not a carrier pigeon….

If you believe like we do, this is a painful process and want early access to this solution please let us know and we will send you an early look at how you will get all your flakey mates to finally commit to things.

More to come soon. Pledge Team

Register For Early Access


Pledge is an easy end-to-end process for organisers to communicate, gain commitment and process payments. Through our web based platform we can collapse the commitment / money collection processes which are usually separate – into a single step.

Pledge creates social contracts that help organisers of teams and activities get their peers to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to confirming if they are in or out.

What Our Customers are Saying

Beverly Mattingdale

Pledged my commitment and payment in three steps, just

Jefferson Thorpe

“.So Simple and Amazing”

Calvin Tristan

“Utterly impressive—nothing more needs to be said about these folks.”

Get in queue for our Beta release